Mr. M.  Farman
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Mr. M. Farman

Assistant Professor
Veterinary College, Bangalore, India

Highest Degree
M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Physiology from Veterinary College, Bangalore, India

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Veterinary Physiology
Small Ruminants
Animal Reproduction
Animal Science

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Tripathi, S.K., M. Farman, S. Nandi, V.G. Kumar and P.S.P. Gupta, 2016. Oviductal and uterine fluid analytes as biomarkers of metabolic stress in ewes (Ovis aries). Small Rumin Res., 144: 225-228.
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  2. Tripathi, S.K., M. Farman, S. Nandi, S. Mondal, P.S.P. Gupta and V.G. Kumar, 2016. In vitro culture of oocytes and granulosa cells collected from normal, obese, emaciated and metabolically stressed ewes. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 170: 83-89.
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  3. Farman, M., S. Nandi, V.G. Kumar, S.K. Tripathi and P.S.P. Gupta, 2016. Effect of metabolic stress on ovarian activity and reproductive performance of dairy cattle. Iran. J. Appl. Anim. Sci., 6: 1-7.
  4. Tripathi, S.K., M. Farman, S. Nandi, V.G. Kumar and P.S.P. Gupta, 2015. Biochemical constituents of ovarian follicular fluid in ruminants and their significance in follicle and oocyte development. J. Vet. Sci. Med. Diagn., Vol. 4. (In Press). .
  5. Farman, M., S.K. Tripathi, S. Nandi and V.G. Kumar, 2015. Follicular fluid concentrations of metabolic stressors in normal ,obese, metabolic stressed and emaciated ewes. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 9: 466-470.
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  6. Farman, M., S.K. Tripathi, K.B. Deepthi, S. Nandi and V.G. Kumar, 2015. Influence of estrogen, progesterone and their synthetic derivatives on ovarian functions. J. Infertility Reproduct. Biol., 3: 250-254.
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  7. Tripathi, S.K., M. Farman, S. Nandi, P.S.P. Gupta and V.G. Kumar, 2014. Physiological and molecular determinants of embryo-uterine interactions in ruminants. J. Infertil. Reprod. Biol., 2: 50-55.
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  8. Nandi, S., S.K. Tripathi, M. Farman, P.S.P. Gupta and S. Mondal, 2014. Effects of non-esterified fatty acids on bovine granulosa cells and developmental potential of oocytes in vitro. J. Agroecol. Nat. Resour. Manage., 1: 29-30.
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  9. Kumar, V.G., S.K. Tripathi, M. Farman and S. Nandi, 2014. Ovarian intrafollicular fluid factors and their roles in follicle and ovum development in ruminants. J. Infertil. Reprod. Biol., 2: 124-135.
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