Prof. Maruf  Kasim
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Prof. Maruf Kasim

Research Scientist
Halu Oleo University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Marine Ecology from Hokkaido University, Japan

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Prof. Maruf Kasim, S.Pi. M.Si. Ph.D completed his doctor in Marine Bioecology in the Field Science Centre for Northern Biophere, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University. Teaching experiences in overseas and research collaboration was made, amongst other things were an invitation researcher in Kyoto University (2010) through Researching Academic Program funded by Higher Degree, invitation lecturer in the Field Sciences Centre for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University (2013) fully funded by Hokkaido University, invitation researcher in Hokkaido University (Akkeshi Marine Station) through SAME program funded by DIKTI in the year of 2015. Some articles were published in international and national journals. To date, the researcher made oral presentations in national and international symposiums in some countries, including Japan, Australia, France, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. Untl now, maruf has one patent no: IDS 000001367with title “Seaweed Cultivation Using Floating Bag Method and register for other patent No. Reg. no: 8S002015725.

Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Marine Conservation
Seaweed Cultivation
Marine Ecology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kasim, M and M. Ahmad, 2017. Comparison growth of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) cultivation in floating cage and Longline in Indonesia. Aquacult. Rep., 6: 49-55.
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  2. Kasim, M., M. Ahmad and M. Taswin, 2016. The growth rate of seaweed (Eucheuma denticulatum) cultivated in longline and floating cage. AACL Bioflux, 9: 291-299.
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  3. Kasim, M., 2013. Coral reef condition on community based marine protected area in Eastern Indonesia. Galaxea J. Coral Reef Stud., 15: 422-427.
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  4. Kasim, M., 2011. Correlation of environmental factors and diatom assemblages in Akkeshi-Ko estuary system. J. Coastal Dev., 14: 242-254.
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  5. Kasim, M., 2011. Carbon content of phytoplankton and bacteria in an estuarine system. J. Coastal Dev., 14: 141-150.
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  6. Kasim, M., M.M. Richter and S. Amin, 2010. Social capital and marine resources among coastal communities in Eastern Indonesia. Policy Brief, 1: 1-12.
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  7. Kasim, M., 2010. Dynamic of Particulate Organik Matter and Phytoplankton in Akkeshi-ko Estuary. Indonesian J. Mar. Sci., 15: 33-41.
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  8. Kasim, M., 2009. Grazing Activity of the Sea Urchin Tripneustes Gratilla in Tropikal Seagrass Beds of Buton Island, Southeeast Sulawesi Indonesia. J. Coastal Dev., 13: 19-27.
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  9. Kasim, M and M. Hiroshi, 2009. Food sources of the oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and the clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in the Akkeshi-ko estuary. Plankton Benthos Res., 4: 104-114.
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  10. Kasim, M. and H. Mukai, 2006. Contribution of benthic and epiphytic diatoms to clam and oyster production in the Akkeshi-ko estuary. J. Oceanogr., 62: 267-281.
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