Dr. Waleed Salah El-Din Soliman Al-Shamy
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Dr. Waleed Salah El-Din Soliman Al-Shamy

Department of Hydrobiology, Veterinary Research Division, National Research Centre, 33 El-Bohouth St. Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Giza, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Veterinary Medical Science from Cairo University, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Veterinary Medicine

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Elgendy, M.Y., A.M. Hassan, M.F.A. Zaher, H.H. Abbas, W.S. El-Din Soliman and E.M. Bayoumy, 2018. Nerocila bivittata massive infestations in Tilapia zillii with emphasis on hematological and histopathological changes. Asian J. Sci. Res., 11: 134-144.
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  2. Soliman, W.S., R.M. Shaapan, L.A. Mohamed, A.M. Younes, M. Elgendy and D.A.S. El Din, 2017. Laboratory screening of biogenic amines producing bacteria potentially threatens human health in some Egyptian fish and fish products. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 12: 134-140.
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  3. Soliman, W.S., M.S. Marzouk, M. Abdelaziz, N.M. Abu-Elala, H.H. Abbas, M.S. Zaki and B.A. Sahr, 2017. Trial on using of some herbal extracts as promising immunoprophylaxis feed additives in cultured Oreochromis niloticus. Egypt. J. Vet. Sci., 48: 53-60.
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  4. Marzouk, M.S.M., M.A. Abdel Aziz, W.S. Soliman, H.H. Abbas, S.Z. Mona, E. Awad and B.A. Sahar, 2017. Effect of some herbal extracts on the health status of cultured Oreochromis niloticus. Res. J. Pharmaceut. Biol. Chem. Sci., 8: 1457-1466.
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  5. Elgendy, M.Y., W.S. Soliman, W.T. Abbas, T.B. Ibrahim, A.M. Younes and S.T. Omara, 2017. Investigation of some virulence determents in Aeromonas hydrophila strains obtained from different polluted aquatic environments. Jordan J. Biol. Sci., 10: 265-272.
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  6. Elgendy, M.Y., I.K. Abumourad, S.E.M. Ali, W.S. El-Din Soliman, T.B. El-Din Ibrahim and W.T. Abbas, 2017. Health status and genotoxic effects of metal pollution in Tilapia zillii and Solea vulgaris from polluted aquatic habitats. Int. J. Zool. Res., 13: 54-63.
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  7. Soliman, W.S., W.T. Abbas, B.I. Taghreed, M.K. Amany and M.Y. Elgendy, 2016. Disease causing organisms in Procambarus cla-rkii and Gambusia affinis with emphasis on their role in biomonitoring of aquatic pollution. Egypt. J. Vet. Sci., 47: 63-81.
  8. Elgendy, M.Y., A.S. Hakim, T.B. Ibrahim, W.S. Soliman and S.E. Ali, 2016. Immunomodulatory effects of curcumin on nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and its antimicrobial properties against Vibrio alginolyticus. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci., 11: 206-215.
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  9. Hassan, M.A., W.S. Soliman, M.A. Mahmoud, S.S. Al-Shabeeb and P.M. Imran, 2015. Prevalence of bacterial infections among cage-cultured marine fishes at the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Res. J. Pharmaceut. Biol. Chem. Sci., 6: 1112-1126.
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  10. Gaafar, A.Y., A.M. Younes, A.M. Kenawy, W.S. Soliman and L.A. Mohamed, 2015. Escherichia fergusonii: A new emerging bacterial disease of farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Global Vet., 14: 268-273.
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  11. Elgendy, M.Y., W.S. Soliman, H.A. Hassan, A.M. Kenawy and A.M. Liala, 2015. Effect of abrupt environmental deterioration on the eruption of vibriosis in mari-cultured shrimp, Penaeus indicus, in Egypt. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci., 10: 146-158.
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  12. Abumourad, I.M., A.M. Kenwy, T.B. Ibrahim, M.I. Hanna and W.S. Soliman, 2014. Enterococcus faecium probiotic as a growth promoter and its impact on the expression of the host innate immune in cultured Oreochromis niloticus. Res. J. Pharmaceut. Biol. Chem. Sci., 5: 1747-1761.
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  13. Mohamed, L.A. and W.S.E. Soliman, 2013. Development and efficacy of fish vaccine used against some bacterial diseases in farmed Tilapia. Nat. Sci., 11: 120-128.
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  14. Soliman, W.S., S.S. Rezika, S. Al-Gharib, O. Al-Waer and I. Eldaghayes, 2011. Study on grouper fish mortality phenomenon at the east costal Libyan area of the Mediterranean Sea with reference to bacteriological and parasitological examinations. N. Y. Sci. J., 4: 5-14.
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  15. Osman, K.M., Z.M.S. Amin, M.A.K. Aly, H. Hassan and W.S. Soliman, 2011. SDS-PAGE heat-shock protein profiles of environmental Aeromonas strains. Polish J. Microbiol., 60: 149-154.
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  16. Ismael, M.M., W.S. Soliman and A.A.H. Rayes, 2011. Trials for Neem leaf extract treatment against MAS in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Academia Arena, 3: 36-41.
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  17. Rezeika, S.S., O.R. El-Waaer, W.S. Soliman and G.S. Sadek, 2010. Detection of heterophyes heterophyes metacecaria in mullet fish in western zone of libya. LVMJ, 1: 147-163.
  18. Osman, H.A.M., T.B. Ibrahim, W.S. Soliman and O. Aboud, 2010. Improvement growth and immune status using a potential probiotic bacteria Micrococcus species among Culured Oreochromis niloticus. N. Y. Sci. J., 3: 5-11.
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  19. Osman, H.A.M., T.B. Ibrahim, W.E. Soliman and M.M. Monier, 2010. Influence of dietary commercial brewer's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisae on growth performance, survival and immunostimulation of Oreochromis niloticus challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. Nat. Sci. J., 8: 96-103.
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  20. Moustafa, M., L.A. Mohamed, M.A. Mahmoud, W.S. Soliman and M.Y. El-Gendy, 2010. Bacterial infections affecting marine fishes in Egypt. J. Am. Sci., 6: 603-612.
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  21. Osman, K.M., L.A. Mohamed, E.H.A. Rahman and W.S. Soliman, 2009. Trials for vaccination of Tilapia fish against Aeromonas and Pseudomonas infections using monovalent, bivalent and polyvalent vaccines. World J. Fish Mar. Sci., 1: 297-304.
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  22. Osman, K.M., H. Hassan, W.S. Soliman and Z.M. Amin, 2009. Expression and dendrogram analysis of heat shock proteins in culture media of Aeromonas hydrophila. Adv. Nat. Applied Sci., 3: 232-241.
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  23. Samira, S.R., W.S. Soliman, O. Al-Waaer, A. Ward and S. Awidat, 2008. Bacterial and parasitic interaction associated with ornamental fish (Gold fish) infection in Libya. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 34: 345-349.
  24. Abd El-Hady, O.K., W.S.E.D. Soliman and L.F. El-Bana, 2007. Association between Cichlidogyrus tubicerrus and Aeromonas hydrophila in cultured Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Egypt. Vet. Med. Soc. Parasitol. J., 4: 723-734.
  25. Laila, A.M., F.R. El-Seedy, M.A. Abdel-Aziz and W.S. Soliman, 2004. Obligatory anaerobic bacteria isolated from freshwater fishes in Egypt. J. Applied Vet. Sci. NRC, 1: 197-389.
  26. Laila, A.M., F.R. El-Seedy, M.A. Abdel-Aziz and W.S. Soliman, 2004. Bacteriological studies on aerobic bacteria isolated from freshwater fishes in Egypt. J. Applied Vet. Sci. NRC, 1: 1-195.