Dr. Ahed Jumah Mahmoud Alkhatib
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Dr. Ahed Jumah Mahmoud Alkhatib

Clinical Researcher
Department of Forensic Science and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Medical Technology from Cambell State University, USA

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Dr. Ahed Jumah Mahmoud Alkhatib is currently working as Researcher at Jordan University of Science and Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Medical Technology from Cambell State University, USA. His main area of interest related to Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Cancer Research, Diabetes, Parkinson Disease, and Autism. His area of expertise includes Immunohistochemistry Histopathology, Special Stains, P53, Hsp70, Hsp90, Inos, Diabetes, Cancer, Tumor, Parkinson Disease, Autism, Heavy Metals, Environment, Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Cobalt, Toxicology, Molecular, Lymphoma, Biomarkers, Leadership, and Violence Cell Cycle, Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Apoptosis, Cancer Biomarkers, Epidemiology, and Gene Expression. He is author and co-author of 41 research articles. He has published more than 130 articles in various medical fields including neurosciences, pharmacology, and diabetes. His approaches in research include the involvement of philosophy of science in research which gives looking, and thinking in depth. He has developed several hypotheses in medicine such as the role of white matter in initiating diseases such as diabetes. In microbiology, He has demonstrated that prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells are similar in producing cell cycle proteins which can participate in autoimmunity diseases.

Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Science and Technology
Medical Toxicology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Alkhatib, A.J., S.M. Alkhatib, M.A.A. Ramadan, A.A.A. Ramadan and K. Alshihabat, 2021. Prediction of breast cancer risk factors using neural network analytics: An empirical study. J. Oncol. Res. Rev. Rep., Vol. 2. 10.47363/JONRR/2021(2)118.
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  2. Alkhatib, A.J., 2021. The use of fresh pomegranate juice in the treatment of Covid-19: Clinical case study. PSM Biol. Res., Vol. 6. .
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  3. Alkhatib, A.J., 2021. The use of apple cider vinegar as a secondary treatment line with conventional diabetic treatment as a new medical hypothesis linking type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Adv. Obesity Weight Manage. Control, 11: 45-46.
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  4. Alkhatib, A.J., 2021. Tadalafil 5 mg/daily in the treatment of vision impairment, a single case study: Optic nerve and Hsp70 up-regulation as a new medical hypothesis for vision improvement. Neurol. Neurother. Open Access J., Vol. 6. 10.23880/nnoaj-16000156.
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  5. Alkhatib, A.J., 2021. A new treatment method for chronic knee pain for the elderly: Treating inflammatory immune membranes as a new medical hypothesis. Prog. Orthopedic Sci., 7: 44-74.
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  6. Bani-Salameh, H., S.M. Alkhatib, M. Abdalla, M. Al-Hami, R. Banat, H. Zyod and A.J. Alkhatib, 2020. Prediction of diabetes and hypertension using multi-layer perceptron neural networks. Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput., Vol. 12. 10.1142/S1793962321500124.
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  7. Alsarhan, A., K.F. Amawi, I.S. Al-Mazari, H.A. Hurirah and A.J. Alkhatib, 2020. The compound expression of HSP90 and INOS in the testis of diabetic rats as cellular and pathologic adverse effects of diabetes. Anal. Cell. Pathol., Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/3906583.
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  8. Alkhatib, A.J., 2020. Two years follow up of a patient with renal fibrosis: From renal transplantation to normal functional restoration following the use of Ammi visnaga and Urtica pillulefera. Arch. Med. Case Rep. Case Study, Vol. 3. 10.31579/2692-9392/017.
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  9. Cherian, S., R. Kathamuthu, S. Karkada and A.J. Al-Khatib, 2019. Improving care of patients on non-invasive ventilation in general wards Int. Res. J. Med. Sci. .
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  10. Arnout, B.A., A.J. Alkhatib, D.E.A. Rahman and S. Pavlovic, 2019. Parent's spiritual intelligence as predictor of adolescents psychological safety. Res. Psychol. Behav. Sci., 7: 1-4.
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  11. Arnout, B.A. and A.J. Alkhatib, 2019. The secret of human existence homeostasis: Spiritual intelligence is the hope of all humanity. Open Access J. Addict. Psychol., Vol. 2. 10.33552/OAJAP.2019.02.000537.
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  12. Amawi, K.F., I.S. Al-Mazari, A. Alsarhan, H.Q.M. Alhamad and A.J. Alkhatib, 2019. Diabetes upregulates the expression of HSP90 and downregulates HSP70 in the liver of diabetic rats. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 28: 473-478.
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  13. Alkhatib, A.J., 2019. White matter: Structural and functional roles in health and disease. PSM Biol. Res., 4: 17-19.
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  14. Alkhatib, A.J., 2019. The use of crude extract of Alhagi graecorum and Urtica pilulifera in the treatment of chronic inflammation of seminal fluid: A case study. Open Acc. J. Comp. Alt. Med., 1: 62-64.
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  15. Alkhatib, A.J., 2019. The progression of a disease depends on downregulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS): A new medical hypothesis. Biomed. Discoveries, Vol. 2019 10.29011/BMDC-103.100003.
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  16. Alkhatib, A.J., 2019. New insights to diabetes: Is diabetes a metabolic disorder or a neurological disease? Int. J. Diabetes Metab. Disord., 4: 1-2.
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  17. Alkhatib, A.J., 2019. Neurobiological and physiological aspects of disease-brain as a key with multiple links, a new medical hypothesis. J. Neurobiol. Physiol., 1: 1-2.
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  18. Alkhatib, A.J., 2019. Expression and releasing of cell cycle proteins by Candida albicans into surrounding tissue: New perspectives of the relationship between microbes and host. EC Microbiol., 15: 168-171.
  19. Alkhatib, A.J. and N.A.M. Alrakaf, 2019. Lactate dehydrogenase: Physiological roles and clinical implications. Am. J. Biomed. Sci. Res., 3: 415-416.
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  20. Albalawi, S.F. and A. Alkhatib, 2019. The assessment of intervention programs for autism including children and their parents. Am. J. Biomed. Sci. Res., 1: 236-238.
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  21. Alamaren, A.S.F. and A.J. Alkhatib, 2019. The relationship between financial stability and insurance. Int. Bus. Manage., 13: 130-133.
  22. Mohamad, M.M.J., M. Al-Shehabat, I.A. AlShehabat and A.J. Alkhatib, 2018. The variations in altitude predict angiotensin ii and blood pressure variables in Jordan. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 5: 1449-1455.
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  23. Masaadeh, H.A., A. Alrifai, A.J. Alkhatib and M. Meqdam, 2018. Molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producingK. Pneumoniae in Northern Jordan. Res. J. Med. Sci., 12: 63-69.
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  24. Cherian, S., A.J. Alkhatib and M. Aggarwal, 2018. Relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of nurses in Dubai hospital. J. Adv. Soc. Sci. Hum., 4: 36373-36400.
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  25. Bani-Ahmad, M.A., S.A. Al-Sweedan, M.A. Al-Asseiri and A.J. Alkhatib, 2018. A proposed kinetic model for the diagnostic and prognostic value of WT1 and p53 in acute myeloid leukemia. Clin. Lab., 64: 357-363.
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  26. Bala, S.S., A.J. Alkhatib, S.S. Bashir and M. Abdulhadi, 2018. Photocatalytic degradation of indigo carmine in aqueous solutions by the antibacterial agent pefloxacin and UVA. Biomed. J. Sci. Tech. Res., 5: 1-7.
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  27. Alkhatib, A.J., S.S. Bala, S.S. Bashir and M. Abdulhadi, 2018. Chemical and pharmaceutical properties of pefloxacin: A review. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 5: 1427-1431.
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  28. Alkhatib, A.J., I.A. Alkhatib, K.F. Amawi, A. Alsarhan and S.K. Ababneh, 2018. Sickle cell disease: Molecular and pathophysiological features. Ind. Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 5: 1251-1259.
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  29. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. White matter associated diseases. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 5: 1416-1419.
  30. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. White matter ageing: Etiology and prognosis. Appl. Cell Biol., 6: 14-17.
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  31. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. The role of natural antioxidants in declining memory defects in Alzheimer’s disease. J. Spine Neurosurg., 7: 37-37.
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  32. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. Non-classical roles of microbes. PSM Microbiol., 3: 62-63.
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  33. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. New perspectives of autoimmunity diseases and microbiome: Etiology and treatment. Acta Sci. Pharmaceut. Sci., 2: 12-14.
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  34. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. It is time to change the concept of herbal use to molecular food. Ind. Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 5: 1648-1648.
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  35. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. Does epstein-barr virus cross talks with sex hormone receptors on lymphoid cells differently to produce lymphoma? Int. J. Pharm., 8: 56-57.
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  36. Alkhatib, A.J., 2018. Crude extract of potato ameliorates clinical impacts of infection with Helicobacter pylori: Case study. PSM Microbiol., 3: 64-66.
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  37. Alkhatib, A.J. and N. Alzame, 2018. Neurotoxicity and criminal behavior. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 5: 1432-1438.
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  38. Alkhatib, A.J. and K. Alzaailay, 2018. The appropriate use of activated charcoal in pharmaceutical and toxicological approaches. Biomed. J. Sci. Tech. Res., 5: 4407-4409.
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  39. Alkhatib, A.J. and I.A. Alkhatib, 2018. Metformin and Urtica pilulifera: Comparable effects and similar actions in diabetes. Int. J. Pharm., 8: 1-2.
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  40. Alawneh, K.Z., L.A. Raffee, H.A. Al Ewaidat and A.J. Alkhatib, 2018. The impact of exposure to medical radiation on lead (Pb+2) and thyroid function test. Res. J. Med. Sci., 12: 31-34.
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  41. Alamaren, A.S.F. and A.J. Alkhatib, 2018. Financial aspects associated with overuse of health resources. Biomed. J. Sci. Tech. Res., 7: 5663-5665.
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  42. Sweis, J.F., S.S. Al-Maani, A.M. Al Braikat, H.M. Hijazeen, G.H.M. Al Zubi, J. Abu Abeeleh and A.J. Alkhatib, 2017. The influence of metformin treatment on liver function of diabetic patients attending Jordanian royal medical city. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 1015-1020.
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  43. Sghaireen, M.G., A. Alkhatib, R. Alswilem, J. Toriya and A. Mizohata et al., 2017. Relationship between cotinine and Helicobactor pylori with caries among Saudi adults. J. Hard Tiss. Biol., 26: 293-296.
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  44. Mahadeen, R.I., M. Hwaidi, M.E. Al-Harasis, A.R. Jaarah and J.F. Sweis et al., 2017. The impact of treatment with metformin on diabetic foot ulcer among diabetic patients visiting Jordanian royal medical services. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 1021-1026.
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  45. Mahadeen, R.I., L.A. Omaish, B.S. Al-Qudah, Q.M. Migdadi, T.M. Al Hawamde, J. Abu Abeeleh and A.J. Alkhatib, 2017. The effect of aspirin treatment on lipid profile in diabetic patients who attend Jordanian royal medical city. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 1009-1014.
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  46. Haddad, R.K., J. Fayez, S. Dafer, H. Ramzi and A. Aldalabih et al., 2017. Studying the level of angiotensin II in various areas of Jordan with different altitudes. Eur. J. Scient. Res., 13: 457-463.
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  47. El-Zayyat, H.H., H.Y. Hilan, W.S. Arabiat, M.A. Abu Suhyoun and D. Bloukh et al., 2017. The impact of metformin treatment in glaucoma of diabetic patients. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 1027-1030.
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  48. Alkouri, O.A., A.J. Alkhatib and M. Kawafhah, 2017. Cultural perspectives of smoking models: Cigarette smoking and waterpipe smoking. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 12: 1-3.
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  49. Alkhatib, A.J., 2017. White matter and disease: Does brain have a role in initiating diseases. Brain Disord. Ther., 6: e124-e124.
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  50. Alkhatib, A.J., 2017. The extract of Alhagi graecorum in olive oil in the treatment of herpes zoster (shingles): A case report study. EC Microbiol., 10: 137-140.
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  51. Alkhatib, A.J., 2017. Imaginary views of challenging trends in medicine and their associated challenges in pharmaceutical industry. J. Pharmacol. Rev. Rep., 1: 1-2.
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  52. Alkatib, A.J., 2017. Diabetes and diabetic neuropathies are independent events: A new medical hypothesis. Ind. Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 1064-1067.
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  53. Alhroot, A.A., A.F. Alfanek, M. Alkhushman, A.S.E. Aljariri and D.A. Ibrahim et al., 2017. Do people live at sea level and the dead sea level have different patterns of anti-hypertensive drugs. Eur. Scient. J., 13: 416-422.
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  54. Al-Refai, T.A., R.A.W. Al Madadha, A.T.S. Alfaqara, B.A. Althwaib and R.I. Mahadeen et al., 2017. Studying the effect of aspirin treatment on diabetic neuropathy among diabetic patients attending Jordanian royal medical city. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 1031-1035.
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  55. Al-Refaai, T.A., B.N.F. Al-Rawashdeh, M.A. Salem, D. Blokh and R. Mrayat et al., 2017. The variations in the level of Angiotensin II between subjects in Ajloun city and the dead sea impact hypertension parameters. Eur. Scient. J., 13: 455-460.
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  56. Al-Khatib, A.J., G. Bjorklund and S.M. Albalas, 2017. Molecular and physiological roles of estrogen receptor. J. Pharm. Pharm., 4: 111-119.
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  57. Sweis, J.F., R.K. Haddad, A.T. Salmoneh, R.J. Aljabra and T.A. Alrefai et al., 2016. The variations in the altitudes between the sea level and Ajloun impact heart variables, but not Angiotensin II. Eur. Scient. J., 12: 446-451.
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  58. Shotar, A., S.A. Alzyoud, M. Al-Shreideh, J. Obeidat and M. Mandhar et al., 2016. Pattern of firearm fatalities in the North of Jordan. Eur. Sci. J., 12: 91-101.
  59. Shotar, A., S.A. Alzyoud and A.J. AlKhatib, 2016. Latent toxoplasmosis and the involvement in road traffic accidents among a sample of Jordanian drivers. Res. J. Med. Sci., 10: 194-198.
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  60. Raffee, L.A., K.Z. Alawneh, A.J. Al-Khatib and L.W. Al-Mehaisen, 2016. Overexpression of HSP90 in skin of diabetic rats impacts wound healing process. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 63-66.
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  61. Masaadeh, H.A., W.A. Hayajneh, I.A. Al Azzam and A.J. Alkhatib, 2016. Prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes (nasopharyngeal colonization) in children in North Jordan: Genotypic and phenotypic characteristics. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 23-33.
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  62. Hamadneh, S.M., N. Al-Shdayfat, O. Al-Omari, J.M. Hamadneh and M. Bashtawi et al., 2016. Sudden infant death syndrome in the Middle East: An exploration of the literature on rates, risk factors, high risk groups and intervention programs. Res. J. Med. Sci., 10: 199-204.
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  63. Hakuz, N.M.A., A.M. Al-Tarawneh, B.W. Amireh, H. Alhawari and H. Al-Haqeesh et al., 2016. Designing an intervention program to control glucose level in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in King Hussein medical center, Royal medical services. Eur. Scient. J., 12: 309-319.
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  64. Alnsour, D.A. and A.J. Alkhatib, 2016. The Use of Aspirin for the Treatment of Malignancies: Review Study. Eur. Sci. J., 12: 430-435.
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  65. Alkouri, O.A., A.J. AlKhatib and M. Kawafhah, 2016. Importance and Implementation of Nursing Documentation: Review Study. Eur. Sci. J., 12: 101-106.
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  66. Alkhatib, A.J. and Z. Amarin, 2016. Determining the research needs as perceived by the medical students of The Jordan University Of Science And Technology. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 3: 751-762.
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  67. Alkhalaylah, A.A., M.M. Hayajneh, S.I. Hijazeen, T.A. Alqhewii, E.R. Haddad and A.J. Alkhatib, 2016. Study the overprescription of proton pump inhibitors and their relation with recurrent community aquired infections in outpatient refilled prescriptions of chronic diseases patients. Eur. Scient. J., 12: 116-121.
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  68. Al-Hourani, Z., A.J. Alkhatib and A.R. Bibars, 2016. Occupational exposure to heavy metals in two occupational settings in Jordan. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 17-22.
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  69. Al-Haqeesh, H., S.Z. Alhuneity, L.A. Obeidat, A.S. Al Rashaydah and J.A. Albedoor, et al., 2016. Implementation Of Intervention Program For Controlling Glucose Level Among ICU Patients. Eur. Sci. J., 12: 1-13.
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  70. Al-Haqeesh, H., A. Al-Bsoul, H. Shalan, A.A. Al-khalaylah and N.M.A. Hakouz et al., 2016. The effect of controlling hyperglycemia on the morbidity and mortality of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients. Eur. Scient. J., 12: 184-196.
  71. Abubaker, A.K., M. Kassab, A.J. Alkatib, B. Almomani, W.M. Khriesat, D.K. Rabadi and Z.A. Bataineh, 2016. Vitamin D deficiency and genetic variations of CYP2R1 gene among Jordanian patients. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 49-53.
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  72. Abu-Zaiton, A.S., A.J. Alkhatib, S.K. Ababneh and F. Kanaan, 2016. Physiological interactions of calcium and vitamin D in colon. Eur. Sci. J., 12: 49-62.
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  73. Abu Jama'ah, W.A.J., M.F.H. Alzu'bi, A.R. Alabbad, A.M. Al Mrayat, O.A. Aldmour, J.A. Abeeleh and A.J. Alkhatib, 2016. Studying the association of Metformin Dose with peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients at Jordanian royal medical services. Eur. Scient. J., 12: 22-28.
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  74. Shotar, A., S.A. Alzyoud and A.J. AlKhatib, 2015. Social impacts of infectious diseases: Latent toxoplasmosis and crime. Soc. Sci., 10: 1677-1681.
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  75. Shotar, A., S.A. Alzyoud and A.J. Al Khatib, 2015. The impacts of latent toxoplasmosis on physical violent actions among a sample of Jordanian inmates. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 72-77.
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  76. Shotar, A., A. Al Khatib, A. Boran, H. Al Mansouri and V. Rice, 2015. Kinetic changes of carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin levels among various smoking models. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 66-71.
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  77. Laiche, F., N. Djebli and A.J. Alkhatib, 2015. Heavy metals in particular lead, neurotoxic effect of lead and lead interaction with Parkinson's disease. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 2: 257-267.
  78. Kassab, M., A.J. Alkhatib, A. AbuBaker, A. Shotar and G. Bjorklund, 2015. Vitamin D deficiency and its associated predictors among patients visiting primary health care center. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 78-80.
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  79. El-Tohamy, A.E.M.A., A.T. Al Raoush, H.F. Al Doweri and A.J. Alkhatib, 2015. Is the organizational leadership commitment principle the most significant TQM principle on hospital effectiveness? Eur. Scient. J., 11: 240-246.
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  80. Bhagavathula, A.S., A.J.M. Al-Khatib, A.A. Elnour, N.M.S. Al Kalbani and A. Shehab, 2015. Ammi Visnaga in treatment of urolithiasis and hypertriglyceridemia. Pharmacogn. Res., 7: 397-400.
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  81. Bhagavathula, A.S., A.J. Al-Khatib, A.A. Elnour, N. Alkalbani and A. Shehab, 2015. Ammi Visnaga in treatment of urolithiasis and hypertriglyceridemia. Pharmacog. Res., 7: 397-400.
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  82. Alkhatib, A.J., 2015. Perspectives towards molecular sociology: An approximation of molecular biology and sociology. Br. Biomed. Bull., 3: 263-267.
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  83. Alkhatib, A.J. and M.A. Al-Shehabat, 2015. Biofuel: Alternatives and solutions. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 2: 225-237.
  84. Alkhatib, A.J. and K. Al Zailaey, 2015. Medical and environmental applications of activated charcoal. Eur. Scient. J., 11: 50-56.
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  85. Al-Saghir, M.G., M.A. Alkhatatbeh and A.J. Alkhatib, 2015. Immunohistochemical Localization of Aspergillus and p53 in Human Lung Tissues. Am. J. Mol. Biol., 5: 117-123.
  86. Al-Khatib, A.J., 2015. Molecular sociology: Further insights from biological and environmental aspects. Dialogo, 2: 169-172.
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  87. Al Doweri, H.F., A.T. Al Raoush, A.J. Alkhatib and M.A. Batiha, 2015. Patient's safety culture: Principles and applications. Eur. Scient. J., 11: 83-94.
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  88. Sghaireen, M. G., M.K. Al-Omiri, S. Patil, R. Sewelim and M.K. Alrewely et al., 2014. Maximum bite force for children on primary and permanent teeth: Within subject comparison. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 166-172.
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  89. Laiche, F., N. Djeblia, A. Alkhatib and M. Muhammad, 2014. Exercise training upregulates the expression of HSP70 in brain of mice with induced parkinson disease. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 13: 302-305.
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  90. Hamadneh, J., A.J. Alkhatib, G. Bjorklund, S.A. Alrasheidi and S. Hamadneh et al., 2014. The role of heat shock protein 90 in human reproduction. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 9: 161-164.
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  91. Erekat, N.S., M.D. Al-Jarrah and A.J. Al Khatib, 2014. Treadmill exercise training improves vascular endothelial growth factor expression in the cardiac muscle of type I diabetic rats. Cardiol. Res., 5: 23-29.
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  92. Erekat, N., A. Al-Khatib and M. Al-Jarrah, 2014. Heat shock protein 90 is a potential therapeutic target for ameliorating skeletal muscle abnormalities in Parkinson's disease. Neural Regener. Res., 9: 616-621.
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  93. Boran, A.M., Z. Al-Hourani, A.J. Al-Khatib, A. Zard and M. Muhammad et al., 2014. Exploring the toxicity levels of chromium among welders. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 315-325.
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  94. Bello, A.M., A.M. Wudil, M. Muhammad, I.A. Muhammad, M.G. Muhammad and A.J. Al-Khatib, 2014. Toxicological effect of local/natural insecticides: Seeds of Azadirachta indica, peels of Citrus sinensis and their combination on liver enzymes. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 324-333.
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  95. Alsarhan, A., N. Sultana, A. Al-Khatib and M.R. Abdul Kadir, 2014. Review on some Malaysian traditional medicinal plants with therapeutic properties. J. Basic Applied Sci., 10: 149-159.
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  96. Alkhatib, A.J., M. Muhammad, I.Y. Habib, I.M. Idris and A. Adamu et al., 2014. Environmental assessment of cobalt at wudil, Kano state Nigeria. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 79-85.
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  97. Alkhatib, A.J., H.M. Alta'any and Q.M. Abdelal, 2014. Lead exposure and possible association with violent crimes: A field study in two Jordanian prisons. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 1-8.
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  98. Alkhatib, A.J., F. Laiche, M.A. Alkhatatbeh, S.A. Alrasheidi and M. Muhammad et al., 2014. Urtica pilulifera upregulates the expression of Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) in kidneys of diabetic rats. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 276-282.
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  99. Alkhatib, A.J., F. Laiche, M.A. Alkhatatbeh, A.M. Bello and I.A. Muhammad et al., 2014. Leaf extract of U. Pilulifera downregulates the expression of INOS in kidneys of diabeticrats. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 302-309.
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  100. Alkhatib, A.J., F. Laiche, M., S. A. Alkhatatbeh A. Alrasheidi and M. Muhammad et al., 2014. Urtica pilulifera upregulates the expression of heat shock protein (hsp70) in kidneys of diabetic rats. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 276-282.
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  101. Alkhatib, A.J., A.M. Boran, Z. Al-Hourani, A. Al-Balwi and M. Muhammad et al., 2014. Occupational exposure to nickel, cadmium and copper among workers in jewelry manufacturing. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 159-169.
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  102. Alkhatib, A.J., A.M. Boran, M.G. Sghaireen and O.A. Alkouri, 2014. Cigarette smoking kinetic model reveals profound effects among passive smokers compared with cigarette smokers. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 9: 216-219.
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  103. Alkhatib, A.J., A.J. Alhassan, M. Muhammad, I.Y. Habib and A. Adamu et al., 2014. Tracking lead (Pb) in the environment of Jakara, Kano state, Nigeria. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 332-339.
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  104. Alkhatib, A.J. and A.J. Alhassan, 2014. The effect of extract of U. pilulifera on some kidney parameters of diabetic rats. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 1: 73-78.
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  105. Alkhatib, A., N. Bashir, G. Bjorklund, A. Shotar, W. Rawashdeh, M. Al Omary and R. Al-Kresha, 2014. Depression among addictive patients in Jordan. Indina Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 1: 10-18.
  106. AlKhatib, A.J., M.S. Shah, M.A. Alkhatatbeh, I.A. AlKhatib and A.B. Maikano et al., 2014. Urtica pilulifera ameliorates diabetic impacts through upregulation the expression of HSP70 in liver of diabetic rats. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 296-302.
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  107. AlKhatib, A.J., M. Muhammad, A.J. Alhassan, I.Y. Habib and S.Y. Bala et al., 2014. Exploring copper content in the environment of Kundila, Nigeria. Eur. Sci. J., 10: 141-147.
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  108. AlKhatib, A.J., I.A. AlKhatib, M.A. Sulaiman, S.M. Shuaibu and M.A. Alkhatatbeh et al., 2014. U. pilulifera mimics the action of metformin in lowering liver enzymes in alloxan diabetic model. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 333-340.
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  109. AlKhatib, A.J., F. Laiche, M.A. Alkhatatbeh, A.M. Bello and I.A. Muhammad et al, 2014. Leaf extract of U. pilulifera downregulates the expression of iNOS in kidneys of diabetic rats. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 302-309.
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  110. AlKhatib, A.J., 2014. Urtica pilulifera may be an alternative for metformin in patients with kidney disease. Indian Res. J. Pharm. Sci., 1: 79-85.
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  111. Al-Jarrah, M., N. Erekat and A. Al Khatib, 2014. Upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in the kidney could be reversed following treadmill exercise training in type I diabetic rats. World J. Nephrol. Urol., 3: 25-29.
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  112. Al Khatib, A.J., O.A. Alkouri, A.B. Maikano, S.M. Shuaibu and S.S. Bashir et al., 2014. Lowering cardiovascular risk factors associated with diabetes is possible using the extract of urtica pilulifera leaves. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 1-7.
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  113. Al Khatib, A.J., I.Y. Habib, M. Muhammad, F.I. Danladi and S.S. Bala et al., 2014. Analysis of phthalate plasticizer in jordanian bottled waters by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrophotometry (LC-MS/MS). Eur. Sci. J., 10: 271-282.
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  114. Al Khatib, A.J. and W.S. Rawashdeh, 2014. The relationship between vitamin D deficiency with depression and addiction: Review article. Eur. Scient. J., 10: 131-142.
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  115. Irshaid, F., K. Tarawneh, A. Alshdefat, F. Dilmi, R. Al-Hadithi, A. Jaran and A. Al-Khatib, 2013. Loss of P16 protein expression and its association with epstein-barr virus LMP-1 expression in hodgkin's lymphoma. Iran. J. Cancer Prev., 6: 78-84.
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  116. Erekat, N., A. Al Khatib and M. Al-Jarrah, 2013. Endurance exercise training attenuates the up regulation of iNOS in the skeletal muscles of chronic/progressive mouse model of Parkinson's disease. J. Neurol. Res., 3: 108-113.
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  117. Boran, A.M., N.A. Al-Bashir, A.J. Al-Khatib, I.T. Qattan and S.A. Alanazi et al., 2013. Investigating the relationship between mental retardation and lead intoxication. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 62-76.
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  118. Boran, A.M., A.J. Al-Khatib, B.S. Alanazi and A.M. Massadeh, 2013. Investigation of aluminum toxicity among workers in aluminum industry sector. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 440-451.
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  119. Alsarhan, A., K. Mansi, T. Aburjai, A. Al-Khatib and M. Alzweiri et al., 2013. HSP70 and iNOS biomarkers in evaluating the healing properties of Rubia Tinctorum. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 241-254.
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  120. Almutairi, N., A. Alkhatib, A. Boran and I. Mmbarak, 2013. The prevalence of physical violence and its associated factors against nurses working at Al-Medina hospitals. Soc. Sci., 8: 265-270.
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  121. AlShuwayeb, M.H. and A.J. Al-Khatib, 2013. Molecular and chemical therapeutic features of Urtica Species. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 253-261.
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  122. AlKhatib, A.J., H.M. Taani, M. AlAsseiri, A.M. Qasem and M. Kassab et al., 2013. Hematological changes in prisoners with higher blood lead levels compared with general population. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 342-347.
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  123. AlKhatib, A.J., F. Laiche, M.AlAsseiri, A.M. Qasem and H.S. Al-Agedi, 2013. The various roles of heat shock proteins in parkinson disease. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 485-498.
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  124. AlHarthi, A.S., O.A.M. Al Shehri and A.J. Al-Khatib, 2013. Leadership style among middle managers in Saudi ministry of health. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 153-175.
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  125. Al-khatib, A.J. and M. Al-Alawneh, 2013. Exploring the relationship between the infection of C. pneumoniae and coronary artery disease. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 195-213.
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  126. Al-Khatib, A.J., 2013. Microbiological induction of acanthocytosis. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 264-268.
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  127. Al-Khatib, A.J. and A.S. Abu-zaiton, 2013. The prevalence of helicbacter pylori among patients complaining from abdominal pain. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 358-363.
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  128. Al-Khatib, A., 2013. Co-expression of iNOS and HSP70 in diabetes type 1 makes a rational hypothesis to explain the diabetic neuropathy. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 145-156.
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  129. Al-Jarrah, M., H. Obaidat, Z. Bataineh, L. Walton and A. Al-Khateeb, 2013. Endurance exercise training protects against the upregulation of nitric oxide in the striatum of MPTP/probenecid mouse model of Parkinson's disease. NeuroRehabilitation, 32: 141-147.
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  130. Al-Hourani, Z., M. Al-Sarhani and A. Al-Khatib, 2013. Chromium and cobalt levels among dental technicians in the Northern Jordan. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 124-133.
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  131. Al Shehri, O.A.M., A.S. AlHarthi and A.J. Al-Khatib, 2013. Patterns of creativity trends among health managers in health sector of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh region. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 111-128.
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  132. Al Asseri, M., A.J. Al Khatib, A.M. Qasem, A.Y. Hamadi and F. Laiche, 2013. Molecular mechanisms associated with acute myeloid leukemia: review article. Eur. Sci. J., 9: 422-433.
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  133. Qattan, I.T., W.H. Omer, I.A. AlOmer, S.A. Bereagesh and K.M. Kabbani et al., 2012. Cross-sectional study of il28b polymorphisms amongst Saudi Arabian and British HCV patients. Eur. Sci. J., 8: 59-82.
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  134. Qattan, I.T., N.J. Beaumont, D.J. Brown, J.J. Hsuan and V.C. Emery et al., 2012. Analysis of the plasma proteome of patients with chronic hepatitis c infection undergoing treatment with interferon alpha and ribavirin: a pilot study. Eur. Sci. J., 8: 1-16.
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  135. Al-Jarrah, M., M.B. Ahmad, M. Maayah and A. Al-Khatib, 2012. Effect of exercise training on the expression of p53 and iNOS in the cardiac muscle of type I diabetic rats. J. Endocrinol. Metab., 2: 176-180.
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  136. Jamous, M., A. Al-Zoubi, M.N. Khabaz, R. Khaledi and M. Al Khateeb et al., 2010. Purification of mouse bone marrow-derived stem cells promotes ex vivo neuronal differentiation. Cell Transplantation, 19: 193-202.
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  137. Irshaid, F., A. Jaran, F. Dilmi, K. Tarawneh, R. Hadeth and A. Al-Khatib, 2010. Prevalence of epstein-barr virus latent membrane protein-1 in Jordanian Patients with hodgkin's lymphoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 507-513.
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  138. Boran, A., A. Shotar, A. Khatib, M. Hamza, M.S. Hadidi and V. Rice, 2010. Patterns of cotinine excretion among diabetic, cardiac patients and healthy smokers in Jordan. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 5: 476-483.
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  139. Al-Jarrah, M.D., M. Jamous and Y. Al-Hammadi, 2010. The protective role of endurance exercise training against oxidative damage in the brain of rats with induced diabetes: P2633. Eur. J. Neurol., Vol. 17. .
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  140. Al-Jarrah, M., I. Matalka, H. Al Aseri, A. Mohtaseb and I.V. Smirnova et al., 2010. Exercise training prevents endometrial hyperplasia and biomarkers for endometrial cancer in rat model of type 1 diabetes. J. Clin. Med. Res., 2: 207-214.
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  141. Irshaid, F., F. Dilmi, K. Tarawneh, R. Hadeth, A. Jaran and A. Al-Khatib, 2009. Loss of P16/INK4A protein expression is a common abnormality in Hodgkin's lymphoma. Int. J. Biol. Life Sci., 5: 215-220.